20. March 2025 | 16:00
Venue: Zoom
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Alejandro Schuler

AI Keynote Series

13. February 2025 | 10:00
Venue: Zoom
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Alex Luedtke

AI Keynote Series

09. January 2025 | 12:00
Venue: Zoom
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Chengchun Shi

AI Keynote Series


12. December 2024 | 12:00
Venue: Zoom
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Mats Julius Stensrud

AI Keynote Series

28. November 2024 | 16:00
Venue: Zoom
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Manoel Horta Ribeiro

AI Keynote Series

08. August 2024 | 16:00
Venue: TBA
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Michael Oberst

AI Keynote Series

18. July 2024 | 17:00
Venue: TBA
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Yixin Wang

AI Keynote Series

23. May 2024 | 17:00
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Qian Yang

AI Keynote Series

13. May 2024 | 17:00
Venue: Munich, room TBA
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Martin Bichler

Prof. Kejia Hu

AdONE Seminar

02. May 2024 | 17:00
Venue: Boltzmannstr. 5, 85748 Garching, room: Hörsaal 2, “Interims I”, 5620.01.102
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Martin Bichler

Prof. Peter Cramton

AdONE Seminar

22. April 2024 | 17:00
Venue: Online
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Martin Bichler

Prof. Andy Sun

AdONE Seminar:
Dual Dynamic Programming for Multistage Stochastic and Distributionally Robust Optimization: Adaptive Algorithms and Complexity Analysis

08. February 2024 | 18:00
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Carlos Fernández-Loría

AI Keynote Series

18. January 2024 | 18:00
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Jann Spiess

AI Keynote Series

11. January 2024 | 17:00
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Victor Veitch

AI Keynote Series


27. July 2023 | 17:00
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Dokyun Lee

AI Keynote Series V

06. July 2023 | 18:00
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Lu Cheng

AI Keynote Series IV

15. June 2023 | 18:00 or noon
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Ahmed M. Alaa

AI Keynote Series III

25. May 2023 | 14:00 – 15:00
Venue: Friedrich Alexander University, Fürther Straße 248 (Auf AEG, 1. OG), 90429 Nürnberg
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner

Dr. Erwin Field

The Business Value of Data Analytics

25. May 2023
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Vasilis Syrgkanis

AI Keynote Series II: Estimating the Long-Term Effects of Novel Treatments

20. April 2023
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich
Inviting Professor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel

Prof. Mor Naaman

AI Keynote Series I: “My AI must have been broken”: Understanding our Future of AI-Mediated Communication

09. February 2023
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Dr. Konstantin Hopf

Electricity load forecasting using the Temporal Fusion Transformer

02. February 2023
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Emilio Ferrara

AI and Social Media Manipulation

26. January 2023
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Maggie Makar

Causality for efficient and robust predictive modeling

19. January 2023
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Dr. Philipp Lorenz-Spreen

Reclaiming individual autonomy and democratic discourse online

12. January 2023
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Andy Guess

Studying the Impact of Social Media Algorithms


15. December 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Zachary Lipton

Domain Adaptation Under Casually Structured Distribution Shifts

08. December 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Foster Provost

Causal Targeting – It’s not Causal Effect Estimation (and Why it Matters)

01. December 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Ingmar Weber

Societal Computing

24. November 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Christian Janiesch

AI in Business Process Management: The Case of Next Event Prediction

17. November 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

M.Sc. Ioana Bica

From Longitudinal Patient Observational Data to Personalised Treatments Effects Using Causal Inference

10. November 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Markus Strohmaier

Interpretability of large-scale neural models of text

03. November 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Andreas Fügener

Challenges in Human-AI Collaboration

27. October 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Milan Kuzmanovic, PhD candidate

Causal machine learning informs optimal development aid distribution for achieving the SDGs

20. October 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Theodoros Evgeniou

AI Explainability and Trust

28. July 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Maytal Saar-Tsechansky

Cost-Effective Learning from Imperfect and Biased Humans Labelers

21. July 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Sebastian Gabel

Market Basket Analysis with Context Aware Product Embeddings

14. July 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Hamsa Bastani

Efficient and targeted COVID-19 border testing via reinforcement learning

07. July 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Professor Damian Borth

Trustworthy AI & Hyper-Representation Learning

30. June 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Tobias Hatt

Personalized Medicine using Real-World Data: A Causal Machine Learning Approach
Daniel Tschernutter

Advances in Data-Driven Decision-Making: A Mathematical Optimization Perspective

23. June 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Nathan Kallus

Smooth Contextual Bandits: Bridging the Parametric and Nondifferentiable Regret Regimes

Post-Contextual-Bandit Inference

02. June 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Daniel Neill

Machine Learning and Event Detection for Urban Public Health

19. May 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Robert West

United States Politicians’ Tone Became More Negative with 2016 Primary Campaigns

12. May 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Tim Althoff

Human-AI Collaboration Enables More Empathic Conversations in Mental Health Support

05. May 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Nicolas Banholzer

Modeling the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic

10. February 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller

Using Natural Language Processing to Forecast the Impact of AI on the Labor Market

03. February 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

M.Sc. Malte Toetzke

Monitoring Global Development Aid with Machine Learning

27. January 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Dr. Maria De-Arteaga

Mind the gap: From predictions to ML-informed decisions

20. January 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Dr.-Ing. Michael Vössing and Dr. Niklas Kühl

Artificial Intelligence in Service Systems

13. January 2022
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Nicolas Pröllochs

Community-Based Fact-Checking on Twitter


23. December 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Mathias Kraus

Interpretable Generalized Additive Neural Networks

16. December 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

M.Sc. Moritz von Zahn

Automatic location of unfair disparities in machine learning

09. December 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Stefan Lessmann

Training and assessing AI-models in the face of sampling bias: Evidence from retail credit scoring

02. December 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Michael Scharkow

Age and Gender Representation on German TV: A Longitudinal Computational Analysis

25. November 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Dr. Gunther Gust

Using AI for Solving Complex Dynamic Pricing Problems: An Electricity Demand Response Program based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

18. November 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Ingo Scholtes

What makes teams successful? Insights from Repository Mining, Network Science, and Empirical Software Engineering

11. November 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Dr. Ashton Anderson

Algorithmic Effects on the Diversity of Consumption on Spotify

04. November 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

M.Sc. Joel Persson

Off-Policy Learning of Dynamic Content Promotions

28. October 2021
Venue: Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Markus Weinmann

The Path of the Righteous: Using Trace Data to Understand Fraud Decisions in Real Time

28. September 2021
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Jason Thatcher

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Authors

27. September 2021
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Jason Thatcher

Framing Research Problems & Literature Reviews


12. December 2019
Venue: University of Nürnberg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer and
Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Steven Alter

Facets of work: A new approach for making established research knowledge more useful for visualizing and designing IT- reliant systems

26. November 2019
Venue: University of Nürnberg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer and
Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner

Dr. Erwin Fielt

Digital Business Models, Disruption and Portfolios

12. November 2019
Venue: University of Nürnberg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer and
Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner

Prof. Thomas Hildebrandt

Effective, co-created and compliant adaptive case management systems for knowledge workers: Dynamic Condition Response Graphs and the EcoKnow Research Project

29. October 2019
Venue: University of Nürnberg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer and
Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner

Dr. Johannes Tenschert

Towards Aspect-Oriented BPM for Knowledge-intensive Processes

16. October 2019
Venue: University of Nürnberg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer and
Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Parsons

Online Reviews for Better Customer Decision Making

24. May 2019
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Viswanath Venkatesh

Pursuing the United Nations‘ Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons Learned from a Project in Villages in India.

6. February 2019
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mari-Klara Stein

Urgency and anticipation: time framing in organizational transformation with information technology.

20. January 2019
Venue: University of Nürnberg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer and
Prof. Dr. Martin Matzner

Prof. Dr. Markus Weinmann

The Atrraction Effect in Reward-Based Crowdfunding


12. June 2018
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Jason Thatcher

Social Media and New Employee Selection: How Does New Technology Change an Old Game?

9. May 2018
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Höhle

Design and Evaluation of Auto-ID Enabled Shopping Assistance Artifacts in Customers’ Mobile Phones: Two Retail Store Laboratory Experiments


14. November 2017
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Ortiz de Guinea Lopez de Arana

Digital Ecodynamic Configurations for Performance in Industrial Service SMEs: An Exploratory Investigation

11. October 2017
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Christy M.K. Cheung

Societal Impacts of ICT Use: Understanding Bystanders’ Proactive Reporting Responses to Online Harassment

10. October 2017
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Saonee Sarker

The Bright and Dark Sides of Technostress: An Empirical Study of U.S. Healthcare Workers

20. September 2017
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Steve Elliot

The Sharing Economy: Insights from an Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Perspective

10. May 2017
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Ola Henfridsson

Recombination in the Open-Ended Value Landscape of Digital Innovation


4. October 2016
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Steve Elliot

Managing Business for Sustainability

23. September 2016
12:00 Uhr
Raum FW 1207
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester

Is There No Time Like the Present? An Investigation of On Hold Decisions in the Innovation Process

1. September 2016
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tina Blegind Jensen

Digital Technologies and the Changing Nature of Work

3. June 2016
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Laurent Bibard

On ethics, from Norms to Vigilance

3. May 2016
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Christian Matt

How Serendipity Can Help Discovering New Recommendation Spaces

18. April 2016
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Alexander Benlian

The Implications of Relaxing Input Control for Software Platform Ecosystems – Evidence from a Natural Experiment on Kickstarter

27. January 2016
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Chee-Wee Tan

Understanding Electronic Service Failures: Formation, Impact and Recovery


23. September 2015
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jonas Hedman

The Roots and Future of Business Models

21. January 2015
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Jane Webster

Encouraging Sustainable Energy Use in the Workplace


28. November 2014
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Pro. Dr. Christoph Zott

Towards an Institutional Perspective on Business Model Innovation: How Entrepreneurs Achieve Robust Business Model Design

18. June 2014
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof.Dr. Saonee Sarker

The Polemic Effect of Social Media Usage: Helpful or Harmful?

6. June 2014
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Richard Watson

Effective IS Research

19. May 2014
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Gerard Tellis

Talent or Learning? Crowdsourcing Ideas for Innovation

7. May 2014
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Ass. Prof. Dr. Adamantia Pateli

IT-enabled Open Innovation Models

7. February 2014
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Emeritus Niels Bjørn-Andersen

Why Do We Always Refer to Yin, When We Argue Case Study Research?


6. December 2013
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen

Customer Socialization in Social Media Environment – Case Finnair

14. November 2013
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Fred Niederman

Integrating IS after Mergers and Acquisitions

1. October 2013
Venue: University of Augsburg
Inviting professor: Prof. Dr. Daniel J. Veit

Prof. Dr. Saonee Sarker

Value Implications of Opportunism and Cooperation in Asymmetric Inter-Organizational Alliances for Innovation: An Interpretive Case Study